Family vocabulary in Uzbek is slightly more extensive than English. As you will see, there are different terms for family members depending on which side of the family they are from. If you joined Uzbek 101, you'll find quiz questions and flashcards at the end to help you study!
Family Vocab
qiz - daughter; girl
o'g'il - son
er - husband
rafiqa - wife
singil - younger sister
opa - older sister
uka - younger brother
aka - older brother
ota - father
ona - mother
amaki - uncle (paternal)
tog'a - uncle (maternal)
amakivachcha - cousin (child of amaki)
tog'avachcha - cousin (child of tog'a)
amma - aunt (paternal)
xola - aunt (maternal)
ammavachcha - cousin (child of amma)
xolavachcha - cousin (child of xola)
buva - grandfather
buvi - grandmother
nabira - grandchild
Additional Vocab
beva - widow
bola/farzand - child
egizak - twin
jiyan - nephew/niece
katta buva - great grandfather
katta buvi - great grandmother
kelin - daughter-in-law; bride
kuyov - son-in-law; groom
oila - family
qaynona - mother-in-law
qaynota - father-in-law
to'ng'ich - eldest
turmushga chiqmagan - single, unmarried (for women)
turmushga chiqqan - married (for women)
uylangan - married (for men)
uylanmagan - single, unmarried (for men)
xotin - wife, woman