Greetings and Farewells
This lesson starts with some basically vocabulary and sentences. Some have breakdowns of the word(s) to help you understand them better. If you joined Uzbek 101, you'll find quiz questions and flashcards at the end to help you study! This is a long lesson but the course will include a shortened Quizlet with the most important vocab.
​Good morning, Good afternoon, and Good evening are all said with one phrase:
Assalomu alaykum! - Initial hello and response to a person of any age
Translates to "Peace be with you!"​
The response:
Vaalaykum assalom - response from an older person
Informal (for peers and those younger than you):​
Salom! - Hi!
How Are you?
Yaxshimisiz? / Qandaysiz? - How are you?
Yaxshi - good
mi - suffix attached to form a question
siz - pronoun for you (formal or plural)
Yaxshi yuribsizmi? - How is it going?
yurib - walk
Ahvollaringiz yaxshimi? - How is your health?
Ahvollaringiz - your situation
Tuzukmisiz? - Are you feeling well?
Tuzuk - presentable
Sog'salomatmisiz? - Are you healthy?
Sog' - healthy
Salomat - healthy
Sog' Salomat - unhurt
O'qishlaringiz yaxshimi? - How are your studies?
O'qish - reading
laringiz - your
Uyichilar yaxshimi? - How is your family?
Uyi - house
Bolalar yaxshimi? - How are the kids?
Bolalar - kids
Onangiz, otangiz yaxshi yurishibdimi? - How are your parents?
Onangiz - your mother
Otangiz - your father
Siz-chi/Sen-chi - And you?
Sample Greeting: younger & older​
- Assalomu Alaykum!
- Vaalaykum assalom!
- Yaxhimisiz?
- Yaxshi, tashakkur, o'zingiz-chi?
- Yaxshi, rahmat.
Yaxshi, rahmat. - Good, thank you.
Yomon emas, rahmat. - Not bad, thanks.
Yomon - bad
emas - not
Juda yaxshi! - Very well.
Band - busy
Xo'p - Okay/Well
Charchagan - tired
Xafa - Sad/upset
O'zingiz yaxshi yuribsizmi? - Are you doing well yourself?
O'zingiz - yourself
Tashakkur, o'zingiz-chi? - Thank you, how about you?
Xayr! - Goodbye!
Salomat, bo'ling! - Goodbye!
salomat - healthy
bo'ling - be
Mayli, yaxshi boring! - Ok, go well.
boring - go
Kelib turing! / Telefon qilib turing! - Keep in touch!
Kelib - come
Turing - keep
telephone qilib - by phone
Salom ayting! - Say hello!
ayting - say
Oq yo'l! - Good luck!
Sample Farewell:
-Salomat, bo'ling!
- Mayli, yaxshi boring!
Mayli - Okay/Fine
Mayli, yaxshi qoling! - Ok, stay well!
Xo'p, xayr! - Ok, goodbye!
Ko'rishguncha. - See you later.
Ko'rish - see
Sog' bo'ling. - Be well. (goodbye)
sog' - healthy
bo'ling - be
Mayli, bo'pti - Ok, good (signifies end of conversation)
bo'pti - that's it
its really good keep up the good work
im uzbek
I would say that you gotta add more basics to get more especially in simple ways..
good course thanks