Indications of Time
In this lesson you will learn vocabulary associated with indicating time, from morning to evening. To learn about days of the week and months, see the next lesson. If you joined Uzbek 101, you'll find quiz questions and flashcards at the end to help you study!
kun/kunduz - day
ertalab - in the morning
kechqurun - evening
​barvaqt - early
kech - late, p.m.
tun - night
har kuni - every day
ertaga - tomorrow
indinga - the day after tomorrow
hafta - week
bir haftadan keyin - in a week
kelasi yil - next year
hozir - now, nowadays
kelajakda - in the future
peshin - noon
doim - always
hech qachon - never
kamdan-kam - rarely
keyin - after
tez-tez frequently
soat nechada -
at what time
bayram - holiday
kechki ovwat - dinner
tanaffus - break/recess
Qachon? (When?)
The following are adverbs that indicate time of day:
kun - day
Bir hafta yetti kundan ibora. (A week consists of seven days.)​
ertalab - (in the) morning
Menga ertalab telefon qiling. (Call me in the morning.)​
peshin - noun
Peshinda tanaffusga chiqadi. (She takes a break at noon.)​
kechqurun - (in the) evening
Salim bugun kechqurun choyxonaga boradi. (Salim is going to a tea-house today in the evening.)​
tun - night
Tunda qaytamiz. (We will return at night.)​
kunduzi - during the day
Ertaga kunduzi kinoga boramiz. (We will go to a movie tomorrow during the day.)​
kech - late, p.m.
Bugun kech qaytamiz. (We will be back late today.)​
kechqurunlari - (in the) evenings; a recurring event
Kechqurunlari kitob o'qiyman. (In the evenings, I read a book.)​
ertalablari - (in the) mornings
Ertalablari choy ichamiz. (In the mornings, we drink tea.)​